You can add any mail account information you want so that e-mails sent through your website can be forwarded.
  • You can easily add the SMTP mail information. 
  • With this feature, messages from the contact forms on your site are forwarded to the e-mail you want. 
  • With this feature, new membership, order, lost password, etc. E-mails are forwarded to your members. 
You can add contact and social media buttons to your website.
  • You can add contact icons such as Facebook, Instagram, phone, mail. 
  • You can show the contact buttons at the top, right, bottom positions of your page. 
  • You can adjust the settings of the buttons as you wish. 
  • You can change the opening type of the dialog. 
  • You can specify whether the communication widget is displayed on or off 
  • You can show the communication widget on any page of your site. 
You can add as many contact forms as you want without the need for any code for your website.
  • You can add the forms you add to the page you want with Shortcode. 
  • You can follow the messages sent to the forms from your admin panel. 
  • If you want, incoming forms are automatically forwarded to the e-mail addresses you specify.